Finalist In the Role Model of the Year category- Sponsored by Print Inc Embroidery & Print
"I am humbled to be recognised for this award and am completely astounded. Thank you."
Founding the Elysium Memorial Foundation to remember veterans that have died by suicide, including a lot of my friends and raising this amount of donations in such a short amount of time is high on my list of personal achievements. As well as helping make a difference to young people in care."
The Winners will be chosen by the Veterans Awards independent Judging Panel and there is a filming day on September 18th at The Army Flying Museum for short videos that will be shown at the Award ceremony and a chance to meet the other nominees and media partners.
The final Award ceremony is on 23rd October with a Black Tie event held at De Vere Hotel in Reading where it will be an honour to celebrate this achievement, not just for myself but for all the finalist.
#veteransawards #military #veterans #veteransuicideawareness #veteranssupportingveterans #armyflyingmusuem
